- tor apr 02, 2009 10:41
Vi hjälps åt att översätta ett mönster som flera vill sticka.
Babies garter stitch surprise jacket
Materials: 3oz Shetland Wool, a 24" circular needle (work back and forth for garter-stitch) of a size to give you a gauge of 6 sts to 1", and 5 little buttons.
Make a swatch to determine your gauge, and cast on 160 sts. With safety pins, mark the 36th and the 125th stitches.
1. K34, sl1, K2tog, psso, K86, sl1, K2tog, psso, K34
2. and all even-numbered rows, knit
3. K33, sl1, K2tog, psso, K84, sl1, K2tog, psso, K33
5. K32, sl1, K2tog, psso, K82, sl1, K2tog, psso, K32
7. K31, sl1, K2tog, psso, K80, sl1, K2tog, psso, K31
See what you are doing? You are decreasing 2 at each marked stitch, making 2 diagonal lines, and 2 corners. At 5 ridges increase 9 sts (K3, M1) across end sections, believe it or not for fullness above cuff. After 22 decreases, (90 sts9, work 3 rows even, then start to increase at the same points, by M1 each side of marked stitch every 2nd row. Work will start to look very odd, indeed, but trust me, and press on. At 114 sts, increase 10 sts in 1 row evenly spaced across center section for back fullness.
At 152 sts, shape neck by casting off 5 sts at beginnings of next two rows. When there are 158 sts, work on center 90 sts only, for 10 ridges. Hope you are still with me.
Now pick up 10 sts from side of piece just knitted, K34 sts from end of needle. Work next rwo, repeating this process (178 sts). Mark 44th and 135th sts, and start increasing by M1 each side of marked stitch every 2nd rwo. After 3 ridges, work 5 small butonholes (yarn over, K2tog) evelny spaced on end sections. Work 3 ridges and cast off, fairly loosely, in purl, on the right side.
Funny-looking object, isn't it? Well, study the drawing on page 100, match A to A and B to B, join with a neat wowen seam, and hey presto eureka and lo - a baby sweater.
When you know if it's a boy or girl, sew buttons over buttonholes on appropriate side. The baby will probably be unmoved by this offering, but the mother may well be charmed, and your friends will be amazed.
Jag börjar översätta här under, sen hoppas jag att ni fyller i det jag inte förstår/kan.
Babies garter stitch surprise jacket
Materials: 3oz Shetland Wool, a 24" circular needle (work back and forth for garter-stitch) of a size to give you a gauge of 6 sts to 1", and 5 little buttons.
Make a swatch to determine your gauge, and cast on 160 sts. With safety pins, mark the 36th and the 125th stitches.
1. K34, sl1, K2tog, psso, K86, sl1, K2tog, psso, K34
2. and all even-numbered rows, knit
3. K33, sl1, K2tog, psso, K84, sl1, K2tog, psso, K33
5. K32, sl1, K2tog, psso, K82, sl1, K2tog, psso, K32
7. K31, sl1, K2tog, psso, K80, sl1, K2tog, psso, K31
See what you are doing? You are decreasing 2 at each marked stitch, making 2 diagonal lines, and 2 corners. At 5 ridges increase 9 sts (K3, M1) across end sections, believe it or not for fullness above cuff. After 22 decreases, (90 sts9, work 3 rows even, then start to increase at the same points, by M1 each side of marked stitch every 2nd row. Work will start to look very odd, indeed, but trust me, and press on. At 114 sts, increase 10 sts in 1 row evenly spaced across center section for back fullness.
At 152 sts, shape neck by casting off 5 sts at beginnings of next two rows. When there are 158 sts, work on center 90 sts only, for 10 ridges. Hope you are still with me.
Now pick up 10 sts from side of piece just knitted, K34 sts from end of needle. Work next rwo, repeating this process (178 sts). Mark 44th and 135th sts, and start increasing by M1 each side of marked stitch every 2nd rwo. After 3 ridges, work 5 small butonholes (yarn over, K2tog) evelny spaced on end sections. Work 3 ridges and cast off, fairly loosely, in purl, on the right side.
Funny-looking object, isn't it? Well, study the drawing on page 100, match A to A and B to B, join with a neat wowen seam, and hey presto eureka and lo - a baby sweater.
When you know if it's a boy or girl, sew buttons over buttonholes on appropriate side. The baby will probably be unmoved by this offering, but the mother may well be charmed, and your friends will be amazed.
Jag börjar översätta här under, sen hoppas jag att ni fyller i det jag inte förstår/kan.
Senast redigerad av MuuM den fre apr 03, 2009 16:32, redigerad totalt 2 gång.
R -07 och M -10.
Surfar ofta via padda eller telefon och kan då vara väldigt kortfattad. Jag är snäll ändå.
R -07 och M -10.
Surfar ofta via padda eller telefon och kan då vara väldigt kortfattad. Jag är snäll ändå.