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Moderatorer: Asia, krakri, God_cares

Av usamama
I would love to do an international trade! I am not sure of details or anything but anyone else interested? We have such great carriers here in the US (as do you ladies) that I would LOVE to share some of them with ya'll!
Any interest?
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Av Anso
Sounds interesting! :D
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Av emmahawk
Of course! You know a wrapaddicted parent never has their curiosity and need satisfied! :lol:
Av usamama
well I will throw in a Freehand Mei Tai and hotsling size 2 pacific sure (PM if you need sizing help or need a link to see a picture)
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Av Ester
pictures for all of us please....can you post them here? :wink:
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Av Ester
have you tried the maitais from babyhawk?

I am about to order one - but your freehand is beautiful!

I´d like som expertise oppinions on which one I should get..... :wink:
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Av USMama

Freehands and BabyHawks are VERY similar.

And oooh....many of us in the US are DYING for a Didy!!!! Anyone have a size six?

I have some nice things I could trade!

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