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Welcome to SjalBarn! Do you want to talk to other BabyWearer? Come on in...

Moderatorer: Asia, krakri, God_cares

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Av Kirppu76
Hi to all :hello:

My name is Inka and I live in Finland with my daughter Siiri (06/05) and with my husband Juha. It was really nice to find this Forum, lots of interesting stuff! :loving: Wish we had a similar one here in Finland or that my swedish was little better :wink:

In the www-link you can see pictures of some of the wraps we have. I'm looking forward to see all the new things I can learn from here :D
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Av Anso
Nice to see you here with us.
Wich link do you mean? :)

Is´t common to use babywraps in Finland?
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Av mica
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Av zmurfan
Hi and welcome to us here at Sjalbarn!
I looked at your www-link. Nice wraps!

And I must say I just love your name! Your name is the same name as my favourite wrap! :) :love: :loving: I loooove my Storchenwiege Inka!
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Av zmurfan
Anso skrev:Welcome!!
Nice to see you here with us.
Wich link do you mean? :)

Is´t common to use babywraps in Finland?
Anso: homepage-link at the bottom of her message :)
(the house with www besides it)
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Av Skogskajsa
Welcome! :hello: Do you read swedish or do you prefer english?
Nice pics on the page! :loving:
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Av beccas12
zmurfan skrev: (the house with www besides it)
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Av Anso
Anso skrev:Welcome!!
Nice to see you here with us.
Wich link do you mean? :)

Is´t common to use babywraps in Finland?
Found the links now..... :oops: :D
Nice pictures!
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Av Suskiv

Nice pictures you had.
Av Mirja
Tervetuloa! Hauskaa, että täällä on muitakin suomalaisia. Tsekkasin jo liinailukuvat sun sivulta. Tosi hienoja.
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Av Kirppu76
Thank you all so much :D I can read swedish better than I can speak it. So I'm trying to follow the conversations on the other forums as well. Slowly though... :wink:

Baby-wraps are getting more and more popular here in Finland. But there is still a long way to go... I think that when people get used to seeing them more, they are bound to get interested in them. Luckely there are forums like this!

Ja moi vaan Mirja! Kiva tavata muita suomalaisia :D Harmittaa oikeasti tuo, ettei ole opetellut ruotsinkieltä paremmin, niin pystyisi enempi seuraamaan keskusteluja tuolla. Jonkin verran -sivuilla on juttua liinoistakin, mutta siinäpä se. (I was just saying Hi to Mirja in finnish).
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Av banban

And thanks for telling us about this site, kirppu76. I joined in also, and noticed that writing in foreign languages is not so easy as it used to be for some 10 years ago... And thanks to kirppu I have a beautiful new EllaRoo wrap which we tested today for the first time. It just might become my favorite for the summer....

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