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Moderatorer: Asia, krakri, God_cares

Användarens profilbild
Av Elin G
cmmrk1974 skrev:Elin G, what wrap is your avatar?
It's a Hoppediz Panama :D
Användarens profilbild
Av cmmrk1974
Elin G skrev:
People in Sweden often buy or get these as gifts but never use them (they're quite hard for the beginner and the attached instructions aren't very good, I think). Hence they're second hand but never used (that's how I bought mine)
Elin, your little one is adorable! :D And that svartpepper is really nice!

I understand - I misread that post above :oops: so where do you get these deals? There is a group of us ordering from the USA and we are getting a discount so it might be only a few $$ more to get a new one.

Hmmm... what to do! Of course I really don't NEED any more wraps at all, but they are so pretty!
Användarens profilbild
Av Elin G
cmmrk1974 skrev: Elin, your little one is adorable! :D And that svartpepper is really nice!

I understand - I misread that post above :oops: so where do you get these deals? There is a group of us ordering from the USA and we are getting a discount so it might be only a few $$ more to get a new one.

Hmmm... what to do! Of course I really don't NEED any more wraps at all, but they are so pretty!
Thank you :D

I bought mine from a person who had put an ad on , but unless you have someone in Sweden who arrange it for you I think it'll be quite hard to find...

The problem with these shawls is that they're so pretty, so I want every one of them, but they're quite expensive and I don't use short shawls that often... :oops:
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Av Helena
I don't like my Bärabarn at all. There is not enough diagonal stretch, so it's hard to tie it comfortably. The edges can cut in to your shoulders if you are not careful. I think I liked my Ella Roo better in fact, but I had a long one. The Ella Roo has more stretch.

The Bärabarn is incredibly expensive for a piece of cloth that is not diagonally woven. A short Storchenwiege is cheaper and much better.

I've kept my Bärabarn though, the material is nice and soft and I have it as a blanket for my child sometimes. :lol:
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Av Suskiv
I do like my bära barn, but I don't love it. I like the color, I have a Salsa, but it's to short in my opinon. i would like it to be 50-100 cm longer atleast.

I use bära barn for rucksack but it's not very comftable because the knot is under babys bottom and all the weigh goes one the shoulders. Im to big for at hipcross carry with bära barn (size M/L in clothes). Mostly I use the hipcarry.
Av mafeb
Just have to add that I had difficulty with my Bara Barn at first but as I've used it, it has become much more comfortable. I primarily use the rucksack or a high hip carry. I had a lot of pain with ellaroo but none with this one ... I also like how its very wide...

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