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Moderatorer: Asia, krakri, God_cares

Some of the American women at are considering ordering Bära-barn shawls. Would anyone be able to compare them to other woven wraps such as Didymos, Storchenwiege, Girasol or Easycare? I am not sure if I want to order one.

Thank you!
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Av cmmrk1974
also if anyone can link to any photos in addition to what's in the Gallery, that would be great! Thanks! :D
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Av Panakeia
here are some pictures ... raBarn.htm

have you been visiting there homepage? (you can have it in english...)

They have also ring-shawls...

Its not as didymos etc in quality, more like ellroo? the fabric is thinner and not the same type of weve that the more expencive shawls, but good enough!

Very nice colours I think!

Look around, i hope someone whith better english and more experience of the bärabarns-shawl will help you more!

And wellcome to Sjalbarn!

Hi Christy,

and welcome to Sweden! ;)

My own experience of the Bära Barn shawl is unfortunately pretty slim, but I am still considering one for a couple of reasons. I love the materal, it is very smooth and thin, however it does not have a lot of stretch, so might not be as comfortable in the long run as some of the other woven slings. But then again, you might not use it for long stretches at a time anyways. I take it you are aware that the Bära Barn shawl only comes as a short sling, and recently in some colors as a ring sling?

A lot of people at this forum have transformed their shawls into ring slings, and say that it is the best ring sling they have ever tried.

Personally I am longing for the one called Svartpeppar, in black and blue, isn't it just gorgeous? :heart: But then again, they have a ton of lovely colors to choose from!

I recommend you check out Bära Barns own website for pictures and stuff, but be ware that it is not suitable for any other browser than Explorer really...

Don't hesitate to ask if you need more information, or want help translating somthing or other! Good luck!
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Av cmmrk1974
Thank you Sandra and Johanna for your replies, the links to the pictures, and the welcome to Sjalbarn! :) I spent some time trying to search (sök - I learned a Swedish word!) but it has been quite difficult not understanding the language at all!

I tried browsing the Fotografia and Bilder forum as I thought that sounded like a place for photos but did not find much. What does Bilder mean?

Yes I am aware that it it only comes in a short length - I like this length for rucksack carries and what we call hip cross carry but if the quality is similar to an Ellaroo, I'm not sure I want to get one, because I do already have 2 Ellaroos in this length.

But like you said I love the colors of a LOT of them - the svartpepper is one of my favorites too!

I have never been very good with a ring sling :( so I think I will stick to the wraps.. which I love!

I also assume that if the fabric is more like an Ellaroo that this would be a suitable fabric for hot weather?

Thanks again for your responses and if anyone else can offer any feedback on the comfort of the fabric, and whether you like it more or less than an Ellaroo or Didymos (or other wrap) I would be grateful.
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Av boosten
I haven't heard of anyone who had used it for ruggsack- or hipcross carries, as it is too short for it for just about everyone. Even if I could, I don't think I would like it for that purpose, since it hardly stretches at all.. :roll:
Senast redigerad av boosten den tor mar 09, 2006 16:45, redigerad totalt 1 gånger.
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Av boosten
cmmrk1974 skrev: I tried browsing the Fotografia and Bilder forum as I thought that sounded like a place for photos but did not find much. What does Bilder mean?
Oh, and fotografier= photographs and bilder=pictures..
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Av cmmrk1974
boosten skrev:I haven't heard of anyone who had used it for ruggsack- or hipcross carries, as it is too short for that for just about everyone. Even if I could, I don't think I would like it for that purpose, since it hardly stretches at all.. :roll:
So for rucksack carries, you prefer a wrap with stretch? I have never tried a rucksack with a stretchy wrap as the only stretchy wrap I've owned is a Moby wrap and I think it is too stretchy and would not provide enough support.
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Av boosten
cmmrk1974 skrev: So for rucksack carries, you prefer a wrap with stretch? I have never tried a rucksack with a stretchy wrap as the only stretchy wrap I've owned is a Moby wrap and I think it is too stretchy and would not provide enough support.
No, I mean diagonalstretch, like hoppediz and the other longer wraps have..
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Av Elin G
boosten skrev:I haven't heard of anyone who had used it for ruggsack- or hipcross carries, as it is too short for it for just about everyone. Even if I could, I don't think I would like it for that purpose, since it hardly stretches at all.. :roll:
I use my Bära Barn for rucksack sometimes. It works for me :) (although I get the knot under my babys bottom). I haven't tried it for hipcross, bul I'll try assoon as he wakes up :D
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Av cmmrk1974
boosten skrev: No, I mean diagonalstretch, like hoppediz and the other longer wraps have..
I understand :) so you mean that the Bära-barn has less diagonal stretch - so , as was said above, like an Ellaroo? I don't really like to use my Ellaroo for rucksack carries.

Elin G, what wrap is your avatar?
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Av tinaw
The BäraBarn is a lot like the EllaRoo, same kind of weave, same feel to the fabric. Maybe the ER is a bit thinner? I haven't compared them both at the same time. They come in gorgeous colors! But I think it's a lot of money to put in one short shawl. It's about 285 cm long = 112 " . I can't do a back-carry over both shoulders with it.
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Av tinaw
One more thing, you can often get them second hand but never used here in Sweden for about 300-350 SEK + shipping.
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Av cmmrk1974
tinaw skrev:One more thing, you can often get them second hand but never used here in Sweden for about 300-350 SEK + shipping.
:?: how is secondhand different than used? and where would I find one either used or secondhand?
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Av Elin G
I tried hipcross and it worked. But I'm a size small, and I don't get any lenght left, so for a size M and bigger it probably wouldn't work.

People in Sweden often buy or get these as gifts but never use them (they're quite hard for the beginner and the attached instructions aren't very good, I think). Hence they're second hand but never used (that's how I bought mine)

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