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Moderatorer: Asia, krakri, God_cares

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Av Helena

Has anyone of you tried a water wrap?
Av usamama
The gypsy water wrap is made from a wonderful material! Very silky and stretchy. Comes in cool colors too!
Användarens profilbild
Av Helena
Helen skrev:Yes I have one and sell them.

I used it when my daughter was smaller. It's great when you want to get in or out of a pool.
Great in the shower too.
I havent used it since she was able to walk.

Anything you want to know about them?
But I mean these long ones, like normal wraps I think they are, but in a different material.
I was thinking doesn´t the baby get cold if you walk around with her in a lot of wet cloth. And a water wrap doesn´t seem so easy to get on and off, as these water slings.
Av usamama
the water wrap is a very light weight material and it IMO, also, looks really good as a dressy wrap. very light and airy and it dries really quickly... I really do not think it retains water-- say like a gauze or woven does. It really does dry in a matter of minutes.

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