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Moderatorer: Asia, krakri, God_cares

Av Gäst
In the US, Didys and Storchs are the definite favorites. Those are the ones that are readily available for purchase. Ellaroos are also very popular...although those that are really into wraps do prefer the German wovens. A lot of us have EasyCares on the way (I got the Sol like you have!) so we are so curious to see how we like them! :)
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Av polihaupt
Here in the US, I feel that more people outside the baby wearing websites have heard about Ellaroos than other wraps- I actually have seen a few Ellaroos being worn.

Oh, and I have also seen people wearing Moby wraps and hug-a-bubs.

Most people I have talked to in real life, or in non-babywearing site have not really heard of Didymos.

In the Babywearing universe though, I would say Didymos is the favorite - hands down! And then Storches.

There will be a Easycare invasion in a few weeks when the 30 wraps ordered by mamas arrive. I wonder whether they will become the new favorites...
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Av karisaf
BTW, that was me as a "guest" above. Just wanted to add that where I live in California, a lot of people that I know have Didymos (and do not visit online forums like this).
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Av Helena
karisaf skrev:BTW, that was me as a "guest" above. Just wanted to add that where I live in California, a lot of people that I know have Didymos (and do not visit online forums like this).
Is not Didymos quite warm to wear in California?
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Av karisaf
Not where I live :) I live at the beach and it's always very mild here....and we have lots of foggy days. When I go inland during the summer though I usually wear a gauze wrap or an Ellaroo (or use a ring sling or asian baby carrier).
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Av Helena
karisaf skrev:Not where I live :) I live at the beach and it's always very mild here....and we have lots of foggy days. When I go inland during the summer though I usually wear a gauze wrap or an Ellaroo (or use a ring sling or asian baby carrier).
Gauze wrap is something I don´t think we have here. Can you carry a bigger child in a gauze wrap too, or is it just for small babies?
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Av karisaf
Gauze wraps are basically just thin cotton gauze, like you can buy at a fabric store. The one I have has been batiked so it has a very pretty pattern to it. You can see them at You can carry a larger child with it, but they are not as comfortable, in my opinion, as the nicer woven wraps. They have to be wrapped on VERY carefully too, as the thin material is not forgiving like the woven wraps are. But, it is a trade-off for having a very cool wrap in hot weather.
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Av Helena

Gypsymama has such cool stuff. I think this poncho is so cute.
There seem to be many homeworking mothers in the US who sew slings and wraps.
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Av karisaf
Yes, there are a lot of carriers made by moms in the U.S. Lots of great ones!

I just got that poncho for my baby for this winter. It is so cute!
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Av Helena
karisaf skrev:Yes, there are a lot of carriers made by moms in the U.S. Lots of great ones!

I just got that poncho for my baby for this winter. It is so cute!
You have to take a picture of your baby wearing it, and show us!!
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Av emmahawk
Hi Karisa! What a sweet picture, it looks so snuggly and cozy! It's so nice to see you people from TBW, over here in "far north" :D , I will try to take a pic of your beutiful sachi in use, so you can see it's new home :D
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Av karisaf
My old Sachi is all the way in Stockholm??? LOL! How did it get there? (the toile ringsling, right?)

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